Georg Kreisler - Please Shoot Your Husband songtext (lyrics)

[Georg Kreisler - Please Shoot Your Husband songtext lyrics]

I've been in love before but never like now
She's wonderful she's heavenly
She's married i want to be with her
And kiss her somehow because she's kissable
Adorable but it's impossible

So I tell her: "Darling
We're not having any fun
There is just one thing to be done:
Please, shoot your husband!
Please, kill him dead! Go and do your stuff!
He has had enough marry me instead!

Please, shoot your husband!
Please, get him out of the way!
Darling, don't be shy all of us must die
Do it today!

Wouldn't it be wonderful, me and you
Going abroad on his money?
Honeymoon in Paris, entre nous
Ducking the police, just us two!

Oh, please, shoot your husband!
And when we're free then, if any guy
Should offer more then I you can shoot me

Please, shoot your husband!
Please, life is short how can you say no
When I love you so? Please, be a sport!
Please, shoot your husband!
Please, take his life!
Then, when you are done let me have your gun
And I'll shoot my wife"

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