Georg Kreisler - What Are Little Girls Made Of? songtext (lyrics)

[Georg Kreisler - What Are Little Girls Made Of? songtext lyrics]

We all wonder what's inside of things
It's naturally done
To look beneath the hide of things
And wonder how they run
We know the moon is made of green cheese
And flowers are made of petals
And forests are made of green trees
And automobiles of different kinds of metals

Still, one question has us all excited
I can answer it, in fact I'll be delighted:
What are little girls made of?
Yattaty, yattaty, yattaty for hours and hours
Some lace, some buttons, a hatpin and flowers
Her things are hers, but his things are ours
That's what little girls are made of

What are little girls made of?
A negligé, Salomé, and lace and gingham
A mudpack, a girdle, and Lydia Pinkum
Some lipstick
Mascara and most of your income
That's what little girls are made of

They're a custom of her stake
And a suck of her cake
They always have to be fed
When they're on the make
They'll make you ache
They're as useful as a hole in the head

What are little girls made of?
A hug, a slap and and running home to mother
A living room
A couch and a noisy kid brother
Promisin' engagement and marrying another
That's what little girls are made of

What are little girls made of?
A G-string, a whimper and a brief bandanna
A Barbie-pin, a hankie and an elegant manner
A kiss like a healthy drag of marihuana
That's what little girls are made of
What are little girls made of?
A hairdoo, a stocking and several bustles
A gay anticipation and some playful puzzles
A secret date and a husband with muscles
That's what little girls have plenty of

They mean troubles they mean joys
And they love collecting boys
Whenever you talk about
Business they're yawning
They act sad when they are thriving
And heaven help you when they're driving
They look lovely at night
But oh in the morning

What are little girls made of?
A slinky walk with which to come at you
Long red fingernails with which
To scratch you
And plenty of traps with which to catch you

When you stroke their hair they
Shout: "Watch my curls!"
They always want orchids and
Fur coats and pearls
As a matter of fact the only
Good thing about them is – They're girls

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