Gloria Estefan - Don't Let The Sun (Catch You Crying) letra de (lyrics)

[Gloria Estefan - Don't Let The Sun Catch You Crying letra de lyrics]

Don't let the sun catch you crying
The night's the time for your tears
Your heart may be broken tonight
But tomorrow in the morning light
Don't let the sun catch you crying

The night-time shadows disappear
And with them go all your tears
But the morning will bring joy
For every girl and boy, so
Don't let the sun catch you crying

They say that crying's not a bad thing
But stop your crying when the birds sing

It may be hard to discover
That you've been left for another
But don't forget that love's a game
And it can always, always come again

So, don't let the sun catch you crying
Catch you crying
Don't let the sun catch you crying, oh no
Oh no, no

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