Gloria Estefan - Goodnight My Love, Pleasant Dreams letra de (lyrics)

[Gloria Estefan - Goodnight My Love, Pleasant Dreams letra de lyrics]

Goodnight my love
Pleasant dreams, sleep tight my love
May tomorrow be sunny and bright
And bring you closer to me

Before you go
Please, remember I need you so
And this love that I have for you
Will never grow cold

If you should awake in the still of the night
Please, have no fear
For I'll be there, you know I care
Please, give your love to me, dear, only

Goodnight my love
Pleasant dreams and sleep tight my love
May tomorrow be sunny and bright
And bring you closer to me

Before you go, please remember
Please, remember I need you so
And this love that I have for you
Will never grow cold

Goodnight my love
Goodnight my love

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