Gérald De Palmas - Like Lovers paroles de (lyrics)

[Gérald De Palmas - Like Lovers paroles de lyrics]

Time will tell us all
Pride comes before a form?
The dust and the dirt the way that we heard

Sometimes we feel so scared
And we lean on the ground holding each other

And we wait for the sound of the ring
We are chained like lovers
Why do we dream when we sleep?
What are the secrets you keep?
I don’t wanna know you don’t have to show
I love the words you never say

Sometimes we feel so scared
And we lean on the ground holding each other

And we wait for the sound of the ring
We are chained like lovers

Onomatopées and we lean on the ground
Holding each other and we wait for the sound
Of the rain we are chained

And we lean on the ground holding each other
And we wait for the sound of the rain
We are chained like lovers

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