Hap Palmer - Dormite Ninito letra de (lyrics)

[Hap Palmer - Dormite Ninito letra de lyrics]

Dormite, niñito no llores chiquito
Vendrán angelitos las sombras de noche
Rayitos de luna, rayitos de plata
Alumbran mi niño que está en la cuna
Rayitos del sol el cielo azul
Dejan dormir y empieza vivir
Dormite, niñito, con ojos diamantes
Estrellas brillantes florido el cielo
Now sleep, little baby don't cry
Little darling
The angels are coming with shadows of evening
The rays of the moonlight spin
Fine threads of silver
To shine on my baby asleep in the cradle
The rays of the sun, the blue of the sky
Will wake you from dreams
When morning is nigh now sleep, little baby
With eyes bright as diamonds
And brilliant as starlight that
Shines from the heavens

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