Heaven Street Seven - Father dalszöveg (lyrics)

[Heaven Street Seven - Father dalszöveg lyrics]

Mother was an honest bitch but
Not honest enough to
Stand the fight day by day so she left
Them behind without a doubt but
Weeping a months long
Time and then there were two baby boy one
Year old and his loving
Father father spent most
Of his days drinking whiskey beer and wine
"sometimes I need a little a
Bit more time to figure
Out the shit in the good
Things that happen to
Me" with these words he lay
Down one night and struck
Into the bitter air then he heard the voice
That baby cried "father I'm so
Thirsty" "I may be
A bad family man not a father of the
Model notion but I love my
Little baby so that I

Would share with him every potion and not of
Suntan-lotion" now they both sit and stare in
The pleasure-merry-go-round and baby's
Head's just
Like the score of a chemical experiments
Mature mature mature over-under mature
Mature mature mature vanity of nature
When I was young I would always dream about
Climbing mountains diving
Into sees but as time
Went by I just had to realise that my god's
So hard to please
So here I stand with a glass in my hand
With a heart full of love a
Heart open wide ain't gonna
Let my baby be left disappointed
By the world outside

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