Heimatærde - Immortals songtext (lyrics)

[Heimatærde - Immortals songtext lyrics]

In the dawn the wolf howls at the moonlight
In the night all the graves open their mouth
In the night immortals of the ground
In the night through the dust
Of the never morning of your life
We are shades and no bright angels
Don’t feel fear - we
Can’t touch you endlessly
Don’t feel fear - we are not hurting you
Don’t feel fear - we want your soul
Don’t feel fear - death is not the end
We are shades and no bright angels
Victims of the devil´s son
The neverending, neverending
Neverending has begun
The neverending, neverending
Neverending has begun
The neverending, neverending sons
Neverending sons
We are shades and no bright angels

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