Helge Schneider - My Name Is Peter, I’m Old songtext (lyrics)

[Helge Schneider - My Name Is Peter, I’m Old songtext lyrics]

My name is Peter - I´m a drummer
In a band and I´m old
My name is Peter - I´m grabbing
My grave behind the tent
One millimeter a week
Cause I´m to schwach to
Hold the Schaufel with
My arms cause I´m old and grey!
I´m Peter, I feel fine dupidupidu

Four times a year
Flying in a plane full of other Oma
Direction of Menorca - Holidays!
Sitting on a big table eating
Cake and drinking HAG! Yes I´m Peter
I´m a drummer in a band and I´m old
I sit on a chair - I
Count the rest of my hair!
It´s colored - a touch of blue
Like the other Omas have too!
My boss is singing english
I can´t understand
That´s the reason why I smile
Sometimes for a little while!
Yes I´m Peter and I´m old
I hope see the christmas and
The christmastree this year
When I have much luck
I can see the Easterhase with
His Korb full of eggs! Dupidupidu
Feeling fine i´m schick with my white jacket
I feel so fine! I need no money!

Dedap - Dupadupadupade

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