ITCHY - Fall Apart songtext (lyrics)

Itchy Poopzkid

[ITCHY - Fall Apart songtext lyrics]

Oh, nothing's better than last year
The wi-fi signal is weak here
I can't even charge my phone, I just fall apart
We ain't seen the sun in a week now
Gladly we survived somehow
But if it should get any colder, we'll fall apart

How can they play like this in the finals?
Music was better on vinyl
The Star Wars prequel sucks and we fall apart
Tell me what amount we should give
Or what is it that we live for
The answers are not on screen, so we fall apart

But where can you go when there's nowhere to go?
When you're left all alone and your world is back home?

America, still not great
We're eating less, but we gain weight
Our cleaning lady's late and we fall apart
We've just got to have this new thing
But our credit card ain't working
And the show is not high def so we fall apart

Oh, when did gangsta rap become so lame?
My favourite band has a new name
And soy milk's out of stock so we fall apart
The old pizza place has closed down
There's immigrants in our hometown
And the AC's way too loud so we fall apart

But where can you go when there's nowhere to go?
When you're left all alone and your world is back home?

It's always me
Who's doing this to me, I wonder?
Under a spell
My life is hell
I cannot breathe, the world's going under

It's always me
Who's doing this to me, I wonder?
Under a spell
My life is hell
I cannot breathe, the world's going under

Oh, nothing's better than last year
The wi-fi signal is weak here
I can't even charge my phone, I just fall apart
We ain't seen the sun in a week now
Gladly we survived somehow
But if it should get any colder, we'll fall apart

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