ITCHY - Go To Sleep songtext (lyrics)

Itchy Poopzkid

[ITCHY - Go To Sleep songtext lyrics]

I should have turned right but I turned out wrong
I try to find a meaning in this song
But maybe that's what I've been doing all along
I think I'm in charge but I'm losing touch
I think my own leg looks like a crutch
Now all I can think about is that I'm thinking way to much

But then I just go to sleep, where all I can hear is laughter and even the shit that I'm standing in will turn to gold
Because when I just go to sleep, happily ever after, I can forget that I'm so god damn busy getting old

There's people you love and there's people you hate
I belong to the latter but it's never too late for an idiot like me who's trying to hide
But the high-rise lights shine bright tonight
And what's the purpose of getting a tattoo for free when that tattoo looks like skin cancer to me?
Some see a piece of silver as way of life, but all I see is a knife

That's why I just go to sleep, where all I can hear is laughter and even the shit that I'm standing in will turn to gold
Because when I just go to sleep, happily ever after, I can forget that I'm so god damn busy getting old

Am I a pro in mediocrity?
Because imperfection is my specialty
These stupid lyrics they mean nothing to me but now I found a rhyme that fits in beautifully
How is it going?
Well, I don't care
A blank face is the only thing I wear
I'm taking polaroids of me and you, then I shake them 'til they break in two

That's my I just go to sleep, where all I can hear is laughter and even the shit that I'm standing in will turn to gold
Because when I just go to sleep, happily ever after, I can forget that I'm so god damn busy getting old

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