ITCHY - Stuck With The Devil songtext (lyrics)

Itchy Poopzkid

[ITCHY - Stuck With The Devil songtext lyrics]

A lot of chaos around my neck
No control- I gotta get it back
There's a war an I'm in between
Left, right I'm taking a side
I'm going home with this one tonight
And the angel is not to be seen

I'm stuck with the devil
I know it just to damn well
I'm getting lost with the devil
And so the place I'm always ending up is hell

Round and round like satellites
Right and wrongs and black and whites
Like a fly, I'm drawn to fire
"Fair play is wonderful
I am responsible"
That's the truth - but I'm a liar

I'm stuck with the devil
I know it just to damn well
I'm getting lost with the devil
And so the place I'm always ending up is hell

Black and white
Wrong and right
Back and forth
And then the same all over again

Black and white
Wrong and right
Back and forth
And then the same all over again

Black and white
Wrong and right
Back and forth
And then the same all over again
Black and white
Wrong and right
Back and forth
And then the same all over again

I'm stuck with the devil
I know it just to damn well
I'm getting lost with the devil
And so the place I'm always ending up is hell

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