ITCHY - The Sea songtext (lyrics)

Itchy Poopzkid

[ITCHY - The Sea songtext lyrics]

I guess it's not that hard
Once you decide to start
Whatever you are choosin'
While winning, you ain't losin'
Everything is possible
But still, we never go
Laughter will win over tears
When we get away from here
When we get away from here

Let's go hang out by the sea
Life gets easier with me
Just imagine how our days could be
And in the night, we'll make a fire
Sparks are dancin' in the sky
Leave the world behind, and come with me
Let's go hang out by the sea

Our insecurities
Slow us down before we see
There is change behind the mountain
Overflowing like a fountain
Let's dream our life away
Under the sun, all day
And even when it's pouring down
Together, it is fun to drown
Together, it is fun to drown

Let's go hang out by the sea
Life gets easier with me
Just imagine how our days could be
And in the night, we'll make a fire
Sparks are dancin' in the sky
Leave the world behind, and come with me
Let's go hang out by the sea
Hang out by the sea

Let's go hang out by the sea
Life gets easier with me
Just imagine how our days could be
And in the night, we'll make a fire
Sparks are dancin' in the sky
Leave the world behind, and come with me
Let's go hang out by the sea
Life gets easier with me
Just imagine how our days could be
And in the night, we'll make a fire
Sparks are dancin' in the sky
Leave the world behind, and come with me
Let's go hang out by the sea
Hang out by the sea

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