Ja, Panik - Grey & Old songtext (lyrics)

[Ja, Panik - Grey & Old songtext lyrics]

I guess I don't want to look in your face
Without considering it as fast-fading
And always when I get used to such a face
I believe to know what it
Looks like when it's dying

I can't wait to get grey and old
Bitterness within my soul
And all the wasted days and nights
I will always keep them in my simple mind

When seasons change and when
Friends move away
When places constantly lose their attraction
That's when I ask myself: How
Long will it take until this bloody same old
Wheel gives up spinning?

I can't wait to get grey and old
Bitterness within my soul
And all the wasted days and nights
I will keep every single one in
My simple but noble mind

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