Johannes Oerding - While Love Died songtext (lyrics)

Johannes Oerding

[Johannes Oerding - While Love Died songtext lyrics]

You love me
You hate me – would you please decide?
We've fed hatred through the
Things we didn't say
I guess honesty sometimes really
Breaks things up
I love you, I hate you, and can't I decide
What feels better when darkness
Has devoured light
But I fail to believe this is also you

When it's black
When all you see and do is black
This raging part of you breaks me down
A blinded hate marked within your soul

And I'm scared
In fear and rage I walked away
I've seen too much of this
To know your games
I've had too much; I have to let you go

When you're okay
You're smiling and you're doing fine
You can charm and lure
Make me remember why
But that could be a façade
To get what you need
When you're not fine, you're raging
Your face like a mask
Eyes filled with fire seem to burn me down
As a dark opponent to your smiles

When it's black
When all you see and do is black
This raging part of you breaks me down
A blinded hate marked within your soul

And I'm scared
In fear and rage I turn away
I've seen too much of this
To know your games
I've had too much; I have to let you go

Black or white, while love died
No in-between or grey for you
Black or white, all tears dried
What face will you put up this time?

When it's black
When all you see and do is black
This raging part of you breaks me down
A blinded hate marked within your soul

And I'm scared
In fear and rage I turn away
I've seen too much of this
To know your games
I've had too much; I have to let you go

So goodbye (Goodbye)
So goodbye (Goodbye)
So goodbye (Goodbye)
So goodbye (Goodbye, goodbye)
Goodbye (Goodbye)

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