Julien Bam, ICE (USA) - Hustle & Flow songtext (lyrics)

Julien Zheng Zheng Kho Budorovit

[Julien Bam, ICE USA - Hustle & Flow songtext lyrics]

If I took a day off today
Would the whole world go crazy?
Would they even notice I'm not there?
And maybe I sleep in 'till four
Order pizza to my door
Take it back to bed with all they care
Who knows, I might even try
To leave my phone and stay offline
No status updates, snapchats and no tweets
If I feel like takin' a shower
And stay in their for at least an hour
No one to report to or to meet

So if only, if only
Only, my day off came true
But today there's too much stuff I gotta do
(so I)

I gotta hustle
(hustle) , hustle, hustle, and flow
Bit too big, gotta bust
Check one, check two
To do list here we go
'Cause talkin' best
I'm not the best at takin' it slow
I gotta hustle
(hustle) , hustle, hustle, and flow

If I took downtime just for fun
I'd treat all my friends to lunch
And ask the pretty waitress
To leave with me, yeah-eah
If only for a moment please
Do not wake me up yet, please
Yeah, daydream on repeat, yeah-eah

Oh, if only, if only
Only, my day off came true
But there's still so much stuff I gotta do
(so I)

I gotta hustle
(hustle) , hustle, hustle, and flow
Bit too big, gotta bust
Check one, check two
To do list here we go
'Cause talkin' best
I'm not the best at takin' it slow
I gotta hustle
(hustle) , hustle, hustle, and flow

Oh, shit, man!
The sun ain't even up yet
I went to bed way after sunset
Rehearsin' and workin' and smokin'
Up 'till I'm blunt
To see the curse of being self-sufficient
Is quite the differennce
Independence means taking care
Of your burdens
So instead of getting back down
I choose to bounce
It's money that gotta be made
And I can't afford to take a day off
No matter how much I wanna
Get lost somewhere abroad
I gotta go hard
'cause that's the cost of being the boss
And bein' in charge
That's the reason why we hustle and flow
We struggle to grow, put on a couple of shows
With the hope that I might take
A pretty honey back home
But I know there's no way
'cause I got work in the mornin'
And in order to reach my goals
I gotta miss out now
'Cause I wanna be right in
Front instead of left behind
So if all that I have to
Do is choose to sacrifice
I'll give it every day of
The rest of my life
Oh, if I

Oh, if only, if only
Only, my day off came true
But there's still so much stuff I gotta do
(so I)

I gotta hustle
(hustle) , hustle, hustle, and flow
Bit too big, gotta bust
Check one, check two
To do list here we go
'Cause talkin' best
I'm not the best at takin' it slow
I gotta hustle
(hustle) , hustle, hustle, and flow

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