Junior Brother - Blackcock’s Feather paroles de (lyrics)

[Junior Brother - Blackcock’s Feather paroles de lyrics]

With a blackcock’s feather in
A Highland bonnet
And an Andrea Ferrara on my hip
I bled my wound onto the sand
And wrote a letter from my broken hand

Éithne from a dream long ago
Oh Éithne through the field bonny goes

Your throat will feel this sword’s steel line
‘Cause Colm O’More was a friend of mine
To slice your throat, and hear the yell
I’d follow you to the gates of hell

Éithne from a dream long ago
Oh Éithne through the trees my bonny goes
Across the winds I used to know
She’ll be back like a boomerang
Been hanging around with another man
Into my arms, bonny goes

Tеn days we stayed inside thе Glen of Echoes
The nine finest days of all my life
And on the tenth day, Senan hobbled away
A bird sang above, and then flew away

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