Karim, Claire Donzelli - If It All Falls Down songtext (lyrics)

[Karim, Claire Donzelli - If It All Falls Down songtext lyrics]

Your love is like a palace
And everything is magic
But is it just for now?

It’s easy to be patient
‘Till everything starts changing
Don’t wanna let you down

If the colors fade and the sky is grey
Can you take the rain?

And if the walls break
And there’s chips in the paint
Will you still feel the same?

If it all falls down will you hold me up?
And if it all falls down
Will I still be enough?

Feels like we’re in a movie
Every time you’re with me
But is this just pretend?

Can we stop this magic
From slowly turning tragic?
‘Cause, I don’t want this end

If the colors fade and thе sky is grey
Can you take the rain?

And if thе walls break
And there’s chips in the paint
Will you still feel the same?

If it all falls down will you hold me up?
And if it all falls down
Will I still be enough?

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