Katy Perry, Lieferando - Hör ich da Lieferando songtext (lyrics)

[Katy Perry, Lieferando - Hör ich da Lieferando songtext lyrics]

Hör ich da Lieferando?
Ding dong, ring-a-ding-ding-ding dong
Hör ich da Lieferando?

Want my curry in a hurry (Medium spice)
Extra sauce on the low (Boo won't know)
And I want açai
Yeah, yeah, yeah, when I'm ordering delivery

A little sushi while I watch a movie
Papaya salad while I sing a ballad
Need some ice cream, make it a swirl
Gotta treat this California girl

When you’re running low there's only
One place to go
'Cause I get what I want, when I want it
(When I want it)
Margherita with extra cheese on it
Download, now all I gotta do
Is pull out my phone easy: One, two, three
Mocha-whip triple-shot
It means a latte to me

Back from the club (Sandwich)
Eating subs in the tub (Famished)
Spicy chicken when I’m ready
Bon Appétit from me, Katy Perry
(Hör ich da Lieferando)

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