KMFDM - A Hole in the Wall songtext (lyrics)

[KMFDM - A Hole in the Wall songtext lyrics]

When I have to die then
I want to strangle myself in your black hair
And when I have to die then
I want to suffocate between
Your sweet breasts
And when I have to die then
I want to be blinded by your brown eyes
And when I have to die then
I want to cut my veins on your lips

I have not yet learned enough
My hands in chains
The brain, a hole in the wall

A hole in the wall

So what i am never going to die

And when I have to die then
I want to starve in your lap
And when I have to die then
I want to burn in your bed
And when I have to die then
I want to drown in your heat
And when I have to die then
I want to be poisoned by your blood
I have not yet learned enough
My hands in chains
The brain, a hole in the wall

And when I have to die then
I want to melt away from your kiss
And then when I am dead
Bury me close to your heart

I have not yet learned enough
My hands in chains
The brain, a hole in the wall

A hole in the wall

Close to your heart

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