KMFDM - Adios songtext (lyrics)

[KMFDM - Adios songtext lyrics]

It's been too many times
That I stuck out my neck (for you)
It's been too many times
That I spoke my mind (to you)
It's been too many times
That I caught all the flak (from you)
Apathetic crap is all I can find
(in you)

I don't want no part in this
I don't feel the need to score
Burnt all bridges closed my heart
I don't want to be a part (no more)

Dosvidanija, Ciao, Adieu
Hasta la vista, I'm on my way
Goodbye, Sayonara auf Nimmerwiedersehen
Over and out and down the drain
It's been too many times
That I raised my voice (at you)
It's been too many times
That I walked the line (with you)
It's been too many times
That I've had no choice (but you)
Hypocritical swine i have had it this time
(fuck you)

I don't want no part in this
I don't feel the need to score
Burnt all bridges closed my heart
I don't want to be a part (no more)

Dosvidanija, Ciao, Adieu
Hasta la vista, I'm on my way
Goodbye, Sayonara auf Nimmerwiedersehen
Over and out and down the drain

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