KMFDM - ALL 4 1 songtext (lyrics)

[KMFDM - ALL 4 1 songtext lyrics]

Are you ready? Are you ready?
Are you ready? K-M-F-D-M

Raise horns stomp your feet
Show some teeth
Loud and proud from the underground
One for all let the diehards speak
Let the few be proud
All for one to the ultraheavy beat

(Woah) chakalaka
(Woah, Woah)
Chakalaka throw down
Melt your face

United we stand against the man
Be an all-world cast
There's one who understands
From cradle to grave there's souls to save
Come join the flock
Salute those about to rock

(Woah) chakalaka
(Woah, Woah)
Chakalaka throw down
Mеlt your face

(Woah) chakalaka
(Woah) chakalaka
Salute those about to rock

(Woah) chakalaka
(Woah) chakalaka
Salutе those about to rock

1, 2, 3, 4 k-M-F-D-M

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