KMFDM - Come On, Go Off songtext (lyrics)

[KMFDM - Come On, Go Off songtext lyrics]

Below the belt - above the law
Right, the muzzle - left, the claw
Within - without get in - way out
In between - throughout
Ever true - never doubt

Far and beyond we rise above
I against I come on - go off
Come on - go off

Land underfoot - fly overhead
Solve a puzzle - pose a threat
Within - without get in - way out
In between - throughout
After is before - less is more

Far and beyond we rise above
I against I come on - go off
Come on - go off get in - get out
Rise up - fall down now or never
Now - forever a fuckin' takeover
Shit or get off the pot
Whatever you stand for we do not

What the fuck?! Hi dee-hi
Hi dee-ho come on - go off
Here we go

Far and beyond we rise above
I against I come on - go off

Come on - go off hi dee-hi
Hi dee-ho what the fuck?!
Come on - go off here we go

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