KMFDM - Disobedience songtext (lyrics)

[KMFDM - Disobedience songtext lyrics]

This is the throne where hatred keeps
And what is sown is never reaped
This is the blindness that you need
This is the vein on which you feed

Surrender it's just one twist
I will surrender my aching wrist
I can't remember it's never enough
I will surrender it's never enough

Oh my darling one for all and all for one
Give me reason the quest for truth
Give me something disobedient yet responsive
To believe in
Out of darkness, there will be light

Close your eyes close your eyes
This is the dignity that you felt
This is the gutter where you have knelt

Surrender it's just one twist
I will surrender my aching wrist
I can't remember it's never enough
I will surrender it's never enough

Oh my darling it's a war with no winners
Give me reason when violence hit's home
Give me something ignorance is your religion
To believe in
Take this spear and heal thyself

Close your eyes close your eyes

Disobedience one too many lies
Disobedience it's the greatest swindle
Disobedience everything falls into place
Take these words and feel thyself
This is your wretched, heavin' high
These are the shamed, the damned, the blamed
I can smell the slowly spreadin' stain
Oh, the burden of shame

Oh my darling give me reason
Give me something to believe in

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