Laban - Prisoner of the Night songtext (lyrics)

[Laban - Prisoner of the Night songtext lyrics]

You turn around and see her in the neon light
Her face is very close and there she's lying
The lights are casting shadows in
The dark of night
With eyes like a cat and then you're tryin'
To touch her with your sweet caress
The fire keeps burning 'til the morning
She hides away and slides
Away from tenderness
Leaving you alone when day is dawning

She's such a mystery, one touch is destiny
Just a look from her eyes and I
Am a prisoner of the night
Ooh, such a mystery, too much for one like me
Looking through me with eyes of fire
I'm a prisoner of the night
From out of darkness on a twilight wing
She appears with eyes so appealing
In the still of the night
Always losing the fight
She's getting weaker every day
And with a sign in every breath
She ties you down with
Love and without warning
She hides away and slides
Away from tenderness
Leaving you alone when day is dawning

She's such a mystery, one touch is destiny
Just a look from her eyes and I
Am a prisoner of the night
Ooh, such a mystery, too much for one like me
Looking through me with eyes of fire
I'm a prisoner of the night

Looking through me with eyes of fire
I'm a prisoner of the night

She's such a mystery, one touch is destiny
Just a look from her eyes and I
Am a prisoner of the night
Looking through me with eyes of fire
I'm a prisoner of the night

She's such a mystery, one touch is destiny
Just a look from her eyes and I
Am a prisoner of the night

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