Lila Downs - Hanal Weech letra de (lyrics)
[Lila Downs - Hanal Weech letra de lyrics]
Kex buka'aj tu'n ja'tzilech
Yaan tu k'iin in xuump'atkech
Tumeen yaantech u book tech weech
A wojel ba'axten laayli' ka k'a'ajalten
A wojel ba'axten
Ma' tu pa'ajtal a tu'ubulten
Tu preciosa, mujer
Por mucho que sea tu hermosura
El día llegará que te deje
Porque tienes olor a armadillo
Sabes porque siempre te recuerdo
Sabes porque no te puedo olvidar
English eat, Armadillo
You, beautiful woman
Even though you are very attractive
The day will come, when I will leave you
Because you smell like the armadillo
You know why I always remember you
You know why I can't forget you