LIZOT, Sofiloud - Diamond Sky songtext (lyrics)

[LIZOT, Sofiloud - Diamond Sky songtext lyrics]

We get high, you and I
Here under the diamond, diamond sky

Lookin' through an hourglass
Time is flyin' by so fast
You and I, afraid to die young
Always been the in between
It's how we're not supposed to be
'Cause we just wanna live and have fun

Life is now, we don't have to hurry
Don't worry, man, we don't worry
Say goodbye to fame and to glory
I'm not sorry, no

We get high, you and I
Here under the diamond, diamond sky
We're alive, we're
Here under the diamond, diamond sky

We get high, you and I
Here under the diamond, diamond sky
We're alive, we're
Here under the diamond, diamond sky

Baby, you can close your eyes
I'll always be by your side
Livin' in a fantasy world
Summer came and summer left
Your head never left my chest
You can say we live and we learn

Life is now, we don't have to hurry
Don't worry, man, we don't worry
Say goodbye to fame and to glory
I'm not sorry, no

We get high, you and I
Here under the diamond, diamond sky
We're alive, we're
Here under the diamond, diamond sky

We get high, you and I
Here under the diamond, diamond sky
We're alive, we're
Here under the diamond, diamond sky

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