Logic, Lowkey, NWO - Last Words lyrics

Logic [Sir Robert Bryson Hall II] Rockville, Maryland, U.S. 🇺🇸
[Logic, Lowkey, NWO - Last Words lyrics]
I've embedded my heart into this song
So I hope every bar's heard
Before I go I hope to get
To speak to Nas first
Ask him why he sold out
See if his heart hurts
In my name build one church and one mosque
There's different ways of worship but
There's only one God
I hope people like that I speak straight
And to my family my Mum
Most of all I appreciate
More than you can ever think
I love you for everything
And to my foes that I've fought in my past
Cause everybody has made me
Without it I wouldn't have
Lasted through half
Society was never able to mould me
I wanna shout-out to everyone who can
Say that they know me
See cause this is what I leave you
An immaculate piece of art for
My people to see truth
I hope freemasonry is abolished
I hope the chosen one rises just
Like the Qur'an has promised
I hope Jesus Christ returns
I hope corrupt politicians are made to burn
Cause how will they ever learn
Without being force fed?
Listen, imagine every gun they pump into
The system for us pawns
We build our own army and reform
Re-unite my last words are
For a positive fight (yeah)
So if I die I can say that
I was able to write and leave
My fans with a last quote
I sit back and sip my last brandy
And light up my last smoke
See these words that I give you
Now see they're my last hope
I'm nearly 25 I'm feeling like
I've missed the last boat
But I don't care and I
Quote yours sincerely, Logical, cigol
See these are my last words
I'm grateful for the life that I
Lived cause it could have
Been far worse my scars are burning
I feel like my path's cursed
But remember me for teaching
People that can't learn
Remember me for what I did surrounded
By negativity did my best
To be positive I spoke for those
That can't speak remember that
After my last breath and my heart's
Last beat I stayed strong
And never preyed on the weak
Never snaked my friends
Never changed for the P's these
Are my last words
While I pray on my knees thank you
For my life I'm so grateful
Believe I turned my back on my brother
To learn the meaning of love
If everything goes to plan I will see
Him above with enemies I ain't
Keeping a grudge cause most people are
Deceitful and it's easy to judge
With my dying breath I let them know
That I tried my best till that
Organ stops beating inside my chest I
Gave 100 percent with every rhyme
I said but it's not right living life
This stressed after the last beat of
My heart you better believe that I'm
Leaving my mark and I might
Never see my cd in the chart but inshallah
My seed can see peace in Iraq
I apologize to the people I hurt
It's so hard to explain because
It's so hard to explain because it's
Deeper than words but when
I'm 6 feet deep in the dirt make
Sure every word that I'm speaking
Is heard when I die please don't mourn
Cry not for me when I die
Please don't cry write a song for me
Remember what I did right and
What I did wrong don't say rest
In peace help me live on
The last statement of James Connolly
We went out to break the connection
Between this country and the british
Empire and to establish an Irish republic we
Believe that the call we thus
Issued to the people of Ireland was
A holier calling and a holier
Cause than any call issued to them
During this war having any connection
With The war we succeeded in proving
That irishmen are ready to die
Endeavoring to win for Ireland their
National rights which the british
Government has been asking Then to die to
Win for Belgium as long as that
Remains the case the cause Of Irish freedom
Is safe believing that the british
Government has no Right Ireland never
Had any right in ireland and never can have
Any right in Ireland