Logic - Noob Noob lyrics

Logic [Sir Robert Bryson Hall II] Rockville, Maryland, U.S. 🇺🇸
[Logic - Noob Noob lyrics]
It's Logic, y'all shout out to my boy, Rick
Are you ready?
There's a choo choo train, man
He's rolling down Tragedy
Everybody knows Supernova fights gravity
It's Logic, y'all
Shit don't get me started about
The one and only man
Can't forget about the one who never
Seems to get a chance (Noob Noob)
All the bitches come around for Noob Noob
His dick gets more business than YouTube
Everybody, everybody is Noob Noob
Say everybody, everybody is
Yo, it's Logic once again, y'all
Don't forget the name
Make sure you get home safe and man
We gotta all give it up for Rick 'cause
I mean what kind of motherfucker
Just sets up a whole festival like this when
He's completely loaded, man?
And all that stuff I said
About Vance? That's not real
Vance, fuck that guy, that guy sucks dick
Woo, yeah yo, d-did I get paid yet? Woo