Luciano, Mokina - Money on your Mind songtext (lyrics)

[Luciano, Mokina - Money on your Mind songtext lyrics]

You got money on your mind, that’s all it is
And you’re tryna get me down with all of it
I don’t care
Money on your mind that’s all it is
And i’m staying out of it (ooh)

See you got dollars in your
Pockets full of it
And you wonder if i’m wrong before the trip
I don’t want any of your many poker chips
Already got everything that I want

I know just walk the same
Why does she walk away
‘Cause the got money on your mind
That’s all it is
And you’re tryna get me down with all of it
I don’t care
Money on your mind that’s all it is

I’m staying out of it (ooh)
See you got dollars in your
Pockets full of it
And you wonder if i’m wrong before the trip
I don’t want any of your many poker chips
Already got everything that I want

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