M Clan (rock band) - Serenade letra de (lyrics)

[M Clan rock band - Serenade letra de lyrics]

Did you see the lights
As they fell all around you
Did you hear the music
Serenade from the stars wake up, wake up
Wake up and look around you
We're lost in space and the time is our own
Whoa, whoa iiiiiiiiii
Did you feel the wind
As it blew all around you
Did you feel the love that was in the air
Wake up, wake up wake up and look around you
We're lost in space and the time is our own
Whoa, whoa iiiiiiiiii
The sun comes up
And it shines all around you
You're lost in space
And the earth is your own whoa, whoa

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Si sabe de qué está cantando el artista, sabe Leer "entre líneas" y conoce la historia de la canción, puede agregar una interpretación del texto. Después de que nuestros editores lo revisen, lo agregaremos como una interpretación oficial.

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