Marina Lima - Call Me letra (lyrics)

[Marina Lima - Call Me letra lyrics]

If you're feelin' sad and lonely
There's a service i can render
Tell the one who loves you only -
I can be so warm and tender
Call me, don't be afraid, you can call me
Maybe it's late but just call me -
Tell me and i'll be around

When it seems your friends desert you
There's somebody thinking of you
I'm the one who never hurt you -
Maybe that's because i love you
Call me, don't be afraid, you can call me
Maybe it's late but just call me -
Tell me and i'll be around

Now don't forget me 'cause if you let me
I will always stay by you
You've got to trust me, that's how it must be
There's so much that i can do

Call me, don't be afraid, you can call me
Maybe it's late but just call me -
Tell me and i'll be around

If you call i'll be right with you
You and i should be together
Take this love i long to give you
I'll be at your side forever

Call me, don't be afraid, you can call me
Maybe it's late but just call me -
Tell me and i'll be around

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