Marina Lima - It's Not Enough letra (lyrics)

[Marina Lima - It's Not Enough letra lyrics]

It's not enough
To hold the world in my arms for the night
I'd have nothing no reason to write

It's not enough
To hold the key to the stars and the heavens
If heaven is just a place in space

All of these plans I have made
And lands I've laid to waste
These crazy dangers
I've been all too willing to face
When love was all I ever wanted

It's not enough
To watch the wheels as they spin in your mind
I'm blind if I can't see the heaven
In your eyes

All of these plans I have made
And lands I've laid to waste
These crazy dangers
I've been all too willing to face
When love was all I ever wanted

All I ever wanted all I ever wanted
All I ever wanted all I

It's not enough
To watch the wheels as they spin in your mind
I'm blind if I can't see the heaven
In your eyes if I can't see the heaven
In your eyes if I can't see the heaven
In your eyes (O oh)

Não quero só ficar bem na foto
Quero dizer, a que vim
Mesmo que isso me custe revelar coisas
Que não gosto em mim
Nem sempre gosto dessa cara de alegre quando
Sei que tenho tanta dor por trás
Eu não acredito em mais nada oito ou oitenta
Você sabe, eu aprendi demais

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