Marina Lima - Professional Dependant letra (lyrics)

[Marina Lima - Professional Dependant letra lyrics]

All is blue washed out like the sky
And my soul - soaked through
No way to get dry i'm running
I'm howling even drugs don't work
Life drives me insane
I've a right to a place in the sun
I've earned it i've done my job
I am a professional dependant

If I go back i relinquish my chance
If I stand my ground i gain by persistance
Two green eyes choking on smoke
Gasping for love pennies for poison
I've a right to a place in the sun
I've earned it i've done my job
I am a professional dependant
Dragging alone my little dependant heart
Bad love is my one addiction
I try to sanctfy my affliction
Mistaking for passion the comic Attraction

I've a right to a place in the sun
I've earned it i've done my job
I am a professional dependant

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