Martin Kesici, Peter Hoff - Hang On songtext (lyrics)

[Martin Kesici, Peter Hoff - Hang On songtext lyrics]

I'm the man in the middle
I'm the beggar on the edge of something
I'm the kid in the corner
I'm the thief coming up with nothing
And I feel what I feel
I can't walk out a stranger
And I know what I know what I know

I'm a stone in the desert
I'm a king in an empty castle
I'm alone on a night train
I'm the one that you never notice
And I feel what I feel
There's so much hurt and anger
Wanna run, wanna hide i want out!

But hang on! I will say to myself
Just hang on! I need somebody's help
So come on, can't you see
You could help me believe but hang on
There's too much life to live ohohoh ohohoh
I've got a life to live ohohoh ohohoh
There's too much life to live

Running down all the reasons
Waiting out for a change in weather
Setting out for a season
Slowing down for the things you're better
And I feel what I feel
There's so much hurt and anger
Give it up, lay it down, let it out

And I feel but don't talk
And I walk out a stranger and I know
But ignore all of the hate and danger
And I hope that you can understand
What I feel and this is how it is
I'm the man in the middle
I'm the kid in the corner
And I know (and I know) what I know
And I feel

But hang on! I will say to myself
Just hang on! I need somebody's help
So come on, can't you see
You could help me believe
But hang on (but hang on) but hang on!

And I do what I can
I won't walk out a stranger
And I feel what I feel and I know
Can't you see you could help me believe
But hang on (but hang on)
There's too much life to live ohohoh ohohoh
I've got a life to live ohohoh ohohoh

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