Nargaroth - A Tear In The Face Of Satan songtext (lyrics)

[Nargaroth - A Tear In The Face Of Satan songtext lyrics]

What may there a Shadow think
Once beside of God
Sure he got his own domain
He set a Throne in Hell
But Hell is far away from Heaven
So far away from Love of God
The Memory starts to wither
That he once got loved
Now Hate he spread above his Throne
(but) deep inside his Heart he feels alone
(And) sometimes in the pale
Light of the Night
You might see a Tear in the face of Satan

Who will wipe away the Tear
In the Face of Satan? Hate and Destruction
May be his Shield to hide
The Pain he kept so deep inside
The Sadness he cries out at Night

On the broken Sword before him

Dries the Tears he sheet in Aeons
Behind all this inhumanity
He is human as we are!

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