Nargaroth - Be Dead Or Satanic songtext (lyrics)

[Nargaroth - Be Dead Or Satanic songtext lyrics]

The Gates are open - war awoken -
To end up all the Terror -
Under the Sign of Crescent

Life inside is Terror - sympathy is Error -
When you search for God -
You might find blind a frog

Be the lethal Rebel - be your only God -
And the Law - do what you want -
May be the only Creed

So be dead or Satanic -
Set your Life in Panic -
If you believe in social Crap -
You are already dead

It seems not to be in Love with Satan
To free your Soul from
Social and moral Limitations

A chained Soul will kill you someday!
A caged Mind gonna wither away!
Be dead or Satanic may be the Way!
Nothing left to say!

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