Nargaroth - I Bring My Harvest Home songtext (lyrics)

[Nargaroth - I Bring My Harvest Home songtext lyrics]

I watch the Perpet black Clouds on Horizon
I watch the Fields I've grown
Since 30 Years (of human failure)
And fear the black Fruit's of my Life (Lies)

I walk through Blood and Stone
And bring my Harvest Home
Wherever I may roam i bring my Harvest Home

But what will my Harvest be?
Ash'n Dust ' Fear and Misery?

How bitter the Seed may be i hold on
I take the Stones and bring my Harvest home
And my Foots are bleeding i won't lament
'cause I'll get what I once sown

How bitter the Seed will be in my Mouth
I walk upright and
Bring my Harvest home

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