Nylon Beat - Love and Hate sanoitukset (lyrics)

[Nylon Beat - Love and Hate sanoitukset lyrics]

Nylon beat, love and hate:

What do I do? What di I say?
In my life theres only you
Our love is real in a way
But do you have to hurt me too

How will I know this is for real
You always got the best of me
But at the end I have this year
You wouldn't share my fantasy chours:
This is about our love and hate
We better stop before it's too late
Thats way my heart is black and blue
And cryiing

Were only playing peace and war
I've never flet like this before
Theres nothing left to say or do loves dying

You had my trust and my heard
You had the front row in my dreams
But you let go right from the start
You won't believe how bad it feels

And now it all is in the past
Your aren't my future anymore
We could have made everything last
Instead we only lost it all

This is about x 3

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