Ost+Front - Out in the rain songtext (lyrics)

[Ost+Front - Out in the rain songtext lyrics]

There is a wound in my heart
There is a wound in my soul
They can not heal they never go

And my friends stay around
Feeding in my hole they can not feel
They never know

Better leave me today
Never hear what you say wasting your time
Wasting your time

Leave me here in my pain
Leave me out in the rain knowing my crime
Knowing my crime

If you force me to sing like you i will know
You have to go out of my life
If you want me to be like you
You should know i am a person of my own

In the pain of my dreams
On the sleep I will lose what can I do
Which will I choose

And you give me advise
But I guess it's no use tell me why you
Try to confuse

Better leave me today
Never hear what you say wasting your time
Wasting your time

Leave me here in my pain
Leave me out in the rain knowing my crime
Knowing my crime

If you force me to sing like you i will know
You have to go out of my life
If you want me to be like you
You should know i am a person of my own

If you force me to sing like you i will know
You have to go out of my life
If you want me to be like you
You should know i am a person of my own

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