Pietro Lombardi - Crazy Like Me songtext (lyrics)

[Pietro Lombardi - Crazy Like Me songtext lyrics]

Oh you crying on the telephone
Cause my baby's feeling so alone
It's hard for me
And your heard is beating the rythm of love
It's a wild wild what you're dreaming off
It's so hard to see
It's so hard, so hard to believing in love
It's crazy like you and crazy like me
Crazy like erernity
Crazy like you and crazy like me
Crazy like a fantasy
Crazy like you and me together
Crazy like you and me tonight
It's It's crazy like you it's crazy like me
You're always in my dreams
Oh it's one two three
That you're hurting me
Like the ABC oh you're killing me
It's so hard to see
And you knock knock knock on my lonely door
But I love you more than just before
It's so hard to see
It's so hard, so hard to believing in love

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