Pietro Lombardi - Goin' To L.A. songtext (lyrics)

[Pietro Lombardi - Goin' To L.A. songtext lyrics]

Can I hold you, can I tell you, you are in my heart
I am lonely, you're the only and I never break apart
My girl, I wants to you, I swear my love is true
Can I hold you, can I tell you, you are in my heart
I am lonely, you're the only and I never break apart
My girl, I wants to you, I swear my love is true
Baby let us go to heaven, there is a place for you
I make your dreams come true, baby come and go with me

Every night and day, baby come what may
Oh we're goin' goin' to L.A
Every night and day, here the people say
Oh we're goin' goin' to L.A

Close to heaven, feel the fire, love will make me strong
Love is sweeter, sweeter than sugar, baby you're my only one
And time is on my side, I need you just tonight
I can never live without you, I'm waiting for no one
You make my heart so strong, I never never let you go

Every night and day, baby come what may
Oh we're goin' goin' to L.A
Every night and day, here the people say
Oh we're goin' goin' to L.A

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