Pietro Lombardi - Holiday songtext (lyrics)

[Pietro Lombardi - Holiday songtext lyrics]

Holiday, we're dancing the night away
Holiday, oh baby make my day
Holiday, is more than words can say
Oh holiday, oh baby come what may

Baby I will hold you, to the morning light
Baby I can kiss you, just tonight
Baby I will feel you, under my skin
Baby I will love you, again and again
It's hard to say, don't go away

Holiday, we're dancing the night away
Holiday, oh baby make my day
Holiday, is more than words can say
Oh holiday, oh baby come what may

So dance, let's party
Sensation, feel the vibration
Yes girl, be my lady
Come on girl, join the party and burn desire
Yeah, get up off of that thing

Baby it's like fire without a flame
Baby if you'll go now, it's a shame
Baby I will call you, by day and by night
Come on let us dance now, oh side by side
It's hard to say, don't go away

Holiday, we're dancing the night away
Holiday, oh baby make my day
Holiday, is more than words can say
Oh holiday, oh baby come what may

Holiday, we're dancing the night away
Holiday, oh baby make my day
Holiday, is more than words can say
Oh holiday, oh baby come what may

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