Pietro Lombardi - It Cuts Like A Knife songtext (lyrics)

[Pietro Lombardi - It Cuts Like A Knife songtext lyrics]

No no no no no no no
I can run but I can't high
If you're baby not on my side
Oh I miss your love
Don't tell me it's over

I can smile and I can wish
What I did was not a sin
Oh I miss your love
Don't tell me it's over

I can tell you a lie
I can make you feel down
Oh I give you my heart
If I'm back in town

It cuts like a knife
If you say goodbaye
Oh baby give me only one more try
It cuts like a knife
You don't look at me
Oh baby can you feel eternaty?
Girl you're amazing, oh so amazing I can't help and I can't see
Baby where's your desterny?
Oh I miss your love
Don't tell me it's over

I can't leave and I can't stay
I don't know, where is my way?
Oh I miss your love
Don't tell me it's over

Hope on your paradise
How can I forget you?

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