Pietro Lombardi - It's Christmas Time songtext (lyrics)

[Pietro Lombardi - It's Christmas Time songtext lyrics]

If you're lonely, you miss the only
I'll be there for you, make your dreams come true
By the fire and this desire
Take you far away on this special day
I stay with you and I hold your hands
Oh this love will never end

It's Christmas time, you stay with me
And our hearts are full of emotion
Between your friends, your family
Celebration, love and harmony

It's Christmas time, give peace on earth
Hand in hand all over the ocean
There comes a time, we're all alone
Livin' in a better world

We are praying, cause words I'm saying
What you feel inside, at this holy night
We're together, now we're forever
Have a helping hand, cause we understand
I stay with you and we can't go wrong
Love will make us brighter strong

It's Christmas time, you stay with me
And our hearts are full of emotion
Between your friends, your family
Celebration, love and harmony

It's Christmas time, give peace on earth
Hand in hand all over the ocean
There comes a time, we're all alone
Livin' in a better world

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