Pietro Lombardi - What About Us songtext (lyrics)

[Pietro Lombardi - What About Us songtext lyrics]

All were walking on sellpread ways
Love you more the words can say
Can't you see that you hurting me
Love you never be the same
We can built a fire in the rain
Can't you feel that I love you so

I know it's not easy
I promiself time
Cause I know for sure
The love is all to find
What about us
What about me
And what happend to a dream
You're the love of my all live
Baby why could wate a live
What about us
What about me
And what happend in this dream
You're my greatest love of all

I will catch in freefall
Everybody mades a little love
And I never get enough
Can't you see that you hurting me
As a minutes we say goodbye
Can you give me one more try
Can't you see that I love you so
Teen the rain heaven you on my mind

Cause I know for sure
Love is all to find
What about us
What about me
And what happend to a dream
You're the love of my all live
Baby why could wate a live
What about us
What about me
And what happend in this dream
You're my greatest love of all
I will catch in freefall

I know it's not easy
I promiself time
Cause I know for sure
The love is all to find
What about us
What about me
And what happend to a dream
You're the love of my all live
Baby why could wate a live
What about us
What about me
And what happend in this dream
You're my greatest love of all
I will catch in freefall

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