Rio Reiser - Spanish Bombs songtext (lyrics)

[Rio Reiser - Spanish Bombs songtext lyrics]

Spanish songs in andalucia the shooting sites
In the days of '39
Oh please leave the vendanna open
Fredrico lorca is dead and gone
Bullet holes in the cementery walls
The black cars of the guardia civil
Spanish bombs on the costa rica
I'm flying in on a dC 10 tonight

Spanish bombs, yot' quierro y finito
Yote querda, oh ma côrazon
Spanish bombs, yot' quierro y finito
Yote querda, oh ma côrazon

Spanish weeks in my disco casino
The freedom fighters died upon the hill
They sang the red flag
They wore the black one
But after they died it was mockinbird hill
Back home the buses went up in flashes
The irish tomb was drenched in blood
Spanish bombs shatter the holes
My senorita's rose was nipped in the bud

The hillside ring with "free the people"
Or can i hear the echo from the days of '39?
With trenches full of poets, the ragged army
Fixin' bayonets to fight the other Line
Spanish bombs rock the province
I'm hearing music from another time
Spanish bombs on the costa brava
I'm flying in on a dC 10 tonight
Spanish songs in andalucia
Mandolina, oh ma côrazon
Spanish songs in granada, oh ma côranzon

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