Robot95 - Fake or real letra de (lyrics)

[Robot95 - Fake or real letra de lyrics]

Is this really what i feel
Is it fake or is it real
And i wonder if i know
Is this everywhere i go

Put your eyes upon the show
Just relax and let it go
Let your mind control whats real
And the truth will be revealed

Open your mouth and be a fool
Just go ahead and let it drool
There is plenty of the same
Everyone that knows your name
Put your eyes upon the show
Just relax and let it go
Let your mind control whats real
And the truth will be revealed

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Si sabe de qué está cantando el artista, sabe Leer "entre líneas" y conoce la historia de la canción, puede agregar una interpretación del texto. Después de que nuestros editores lo revisen, lo agregaremos como una interpretación oficial.

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