Roger Whittaker - My Love, Cape Breton & Me songtext (lyrics)

[Roger Whittaker - My Love, Cape Breton & Me songtext lyrics]

Sing me a song of your hills
Of mountains and waters so still
A song that will speak of the magic of three
My love, Cape Breton and me

Teach me the ways of your land
How power and peace go hand in hand
It's all that I want in this life and it's free
My love, Cape Breton and me

Always your rivers are calling to me
I hear the sound of sweet melody
When we're apart and I feel all alone
Carry me home, carry me home

If my time could end perfectly
I know how I'd want it to be
God's gift of heaven would be made up of three
My love, Cape Breton and me

Always your rivers are calling to me
I hear the sound of sweet melody
When we're apart and I feel all alone
Carry me home, carry me home

Sing me a song of your hills
Of mountains and waters so still
A song that will speak of the magic of three
My love, Cape Breton and me

It's all that I want in this life and it's free
My love, Cape Breton and me

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