Сабрина - Don’t Be so Shy текст песни

[Сабрина - Don’t Be so Shy текст песни]

Don’t be so shy
So show what you’ve got
There is nothing in the world
You can hide from God
Don’t be so shy
So show what you’ve got
There is nothing in the world
You can hide from God
Don’t be so shy
So show what you’ve got
There is nothing in the world
You can hide from God
Don’t be so shy
So show what you’ve got
There is nothing in the world
You can hide from God

You can’t hide from God
You can’t hide from God
You can’t hide from God
I won’t show my feelings
Letting you to see me
Naked thoughts, believe me
My love has no limits
I feel your vibe
Grooves me deep in my mind
Oh, I won’t show my feelings
Letting you to see me
Naked thoughts, believe me
My love has no limits
Lift me up with this light
Bounce drum in my heart

Don’t be so shy
So show what you’ve got
There is nothing in the world
You can hide from God
Don’t be so shy
So show what you’ve got
There is nothing in the world
You can hide from God
Don’t be so shy
So show what you’ve got
There is nothing in the world
You can hide from God
Don’t be so shy
So show what you’ve got
There is nothing in the world
You can hide from God

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